Janis Raymond
Professor Adams
PSY 100
February 26, 2015
Summarize the two (2) articles you selected from the NPR Website.
1st Article
In the article “Pain, But No Regrets: A Father Remembers His Adopted Son” the story has been very much proof of all beauty along with sadness inherent within human situation ("Pain, But No Regrets,” 2015).
Mr. Jones has been most honest person here; he surely has been realist. He followed child. Child, Aaron, may not share its genes, thus not associated to him. Child in addition had been older with his individual memories along with his own horrors not the newer born/infant having none. We who just read of adoptions/foster care or rest of the methods in that the child can lose his or her identity as well as family have no clue. Even followed infant comes towards asking 'who am I actually and 'why did mom or dad cast me out? Sooner or later
I know Aaron quite well, having been the adoptee having trauma within the system that has never been considered that no matter what, the identity has been vital not one state can give one however one the child has been born with. I salute Mr. Jones to have best sense for permitting the Aaron HIS individual name along with hope that Aaron had not been permitted to remember his mother as well as whoever else he cannot have forgotten of his actual family ("Pain, But No Regrets,” 2015).
2nd Article
Article “Chapel Hill Shooting Victims Were 'Radiant, ' Teacher Says” is an exceptional story about 2 inspiring young people who have loved their country as well as community told through none of them along with her teacher ("Chapel Hill Shooting,” 2015). NPR at their best and beautiful, tragic and also very sad
My heart moves out to families as well as community of those amazing younger people. They have ever been renewing the hope of America. This has been tragic that we all live with the laws, which allow the person, within the moment of rage, for imposing the last solution on quite insignificant issue.
Lovely people have been taken away from us through the hateful angry unpleasant through all the accounts) man having guns. Nothing newer or even uncommon has been within the America. Mao stated that power flows from barrel of the gun, I state grief flows much more copiously from barrels about guns all around world("Chapel Hill Shooting,” 2015).
Describe the major adjustment issues discussed in each story.
1st Article
Rejection and also abandonment problems have been curse of the adoptee. Sadly even most well-meaning, loving, caring person/persons may not make such hurts move away, however attributes about actually loving parent no matter if foster, biological/adopted may staunch few of pain along with taking away few of sting.
We may hope that Aaron understood Jones has loved him however we may not know for some that he did that. We are aware that Jones have loved Aaron along with did best he might under circumstances that had been his as well as Aaron 's.
2nd Article
The hateful, unpleasant, angry man having guns that have happened of having the specific axe for grinding with his visibly Muslim or Middle Eastern neighbors.
This has been essential not to gloss on this essential fact, as we have been bombarded in routine with the negative images, portrayals as well as stories of Arabs along with Muslims and all of those factors in and also makes the impact.
Examine at least three (3) evidence-based strategies from the selected articles that could help the individuals enhance their adjustment skills.
1st Article
Several families spoke about importance of the acceptance. 1 father stated, “Accepting the things along with do not worry of past.
Embedded within procedure of acceptance had been notion of continuing towards living life of anyone. Fathers, more regularly than mothers, have shown such sentiment, stating “does not stop, do not stop living.
With their kid’s death being painful evidence, which life may be short, families advised rests for cherishing each & every moment that they have, to concentrate on present along with living life to their fullest. Mothers as well as fathers same as advised, “Value every minute we had.
2nd Article
Guns have not been toys. One may take the gun towards the range along with having fun shooting however concept that this has been the toy has the wrong mind set.
This has been the object that must be treated with the greater care as misuse/careless utilization of that may outcome in injury/death.
I believe individual within this murder did not have best control of its emotions. I for one may not understand why several people let its emotions to control its actions; this looks like several of people lack forethought of its actions
Recommend the evidence-based strategy that is best suited for the people in the selected articles. Provide a rationale for your response.
1st Article “Enjoying every 2nd we have as we simply do not know,” along with “Appreciate things.” One father has made his advice more particular, describing, “when they have rest of the kids, only spending much more time with them. Taking very day, day by day along with let them be the kids.”
2nd Article
Gun has been the object. When we may not understand that, then we have been the odd fellow. People are required to worry more of individuals behind guns or knives or baseball bats or speeding cars apar5t from object itself.
We in addition are required to make sure that individual who have been estranged feeling more involved and also having somebody to discuss their problems, rather than of acting out within violent methods.
Pain, But No Regrets: A Father Remembers His Adopted Son [Audio file]. (2015, February 20).
Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/2015/02/20/387309723/pain-but-no-regrets-a-father-remembers-his-adopted-son.
Pain, But No Regrets: A Father Remembers His Adopted Son. (2015, February 20).
Retrieved from http://www.vocalook.com/articles/pain-but-no-regrets-a-father-remembers-his-adopted-son/.
Chapel Hill Shooting Victims Were 'Radiant, ' Teacher Says [Audio file]. (2015, February 13).
Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/2015/02/13/385846609/chapel-hill-shooting-victims-were-radiant-teacher-says.
Chapel Hill Shooting Victims Were 'Radiant, ' Teacher Says. (2015, February 14).
Retrieved from http://www.atlantaleader.com/index.php/sid/230239065
References: Pain, But No Regrets: A Father Remembers His Adopted Son [Audio file]. (2015, February 20). Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/2015/02/20/387309723/pain-but-no-regrets-a-father-remembers-his-adopted-son. Pain, But No Regrets: A Father Remembers His Adopted Son. (2015, February 20). Retrieved from http://www.vocalook.com/articles/pain-but-no-regrets-a-father-remembers-his-adopted-son/. Chapel Hill Shooting Victims Were 'Radiant, ' Teacher Says [Audio file]. (2015, February 13). Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/2015/02/13/385846609/chapel-hill-shooting-victims-were-radiant-teacher-says. Chapel Hill Shooting Victims Were 'Radiant, ' Teacher Says. (2015, February 14). Retrieved from http://www.atlantaleader.com/index.php/sid/230239065 .