During the spring of 2007 on the Virginia Polytech Institute campus, a student named Seung-Hui Cho had shot 2 students in a resident hall before entering classrooms and shooting 32 other students and professors (Glum). This event had created a call for necessities in protecting not only the Virginia Tech school but all large campuses in America. Director of Virginia’s 32 National Campus Safety Initiative S. Daniel Carter stated, “That one incident sort of crystallized campus safety in people’s minds as a very, very serious issue.” (Glum). The school itself had warning signs before the incident that also brought into questions how the situation could’ve been different and how potentional threats need be …show more content…
There were prominent warning signs even according to the shooter’s poetry professor Nikki Giovanni that caused her and her students fear to be around Cho (Roberts). When the first shooting occured campus authoritys gave no more thought into it other than it being a small domestic incident, leaving them to believe the gunman had left campus. A student Brant Martel felt that, “they were a little slow on their response.” (Questions…). Even a day after the shooting people like Kenneth Trump of National School and Safety Services acknowledge that there needed to be a plan implimented to deal with crisis situations like this one (Questions…). Students were disappointed of the lack of attention to the first shooting and the emails that were sent 2 hours later during the rest of the shootings (NBC). Since the shootings that happened in 2007, about two thirds of four year colleges with 2500 students have been supplied with dedicated police officers and security guards according to the Departmant of Justice (Rich). The Virginia Tech campus shootings changed the landscape of security on school campuses by forcing campuses to implement active shooter drills. text alerts for students,