We called in a few friends to see if they were interested to join in, but the lazy buggers they are...well, it was just the two of us taking off.
Roxy, our Honda city was our companion. He was ready at all times. He had the right kind of music to set us into the holiday mood. As we drove on Kanakapura road, it struck to me of a memorable discussion I once had with a colleague of mine about a huge pyramid shaped hall built for meditation. It had become an attraction to the visitors of the Garden City. We were the few who were spared from this attraction. Remembering his words, we decided to visit that place and took the deviation. Its about 28kms from the Kanakapura Junction, on the Kebbedodde Village road.
The kaccha road led us through lakes and hills for about 2 kms and then poof, we had the first glance of the huge pyramid. It was huge, but then nothing like what I expected. I imagined a huge golden pyramid, like the Matra Mandir of Auroville, whose shine would reflect on to the surroundings, etc etc. But ya.....the reality was something different....different but interesting.
At the centre of this forty acre lush green valley, stood the 110ft high magnanimous Maitreya Buddha Pyramid. The walk to the pyramid is enchanted by beautiful landscape of rocks, gardens and a lake transcending the already mesmerised mind into a state of calmness.
A little about the Pyramid Valley:
It is said that the Pyramid Valley is a paradise to relax, meditate or just to be one with nature or experiment by learning new life skills where the spiritual and emotional