“Hypothesis 1: …show more content…
24,599 students were asked if they had a general knowledge of the field they would like to get into in the future. Of the 24,599 students, 827 students were interested in pursuing careers in science or engineering. Of the 827, 176 continued with the same intentions a few years later in their lives. Of the 827 students, 26.5% of males identified they were interested in staying in the SE area. Females on the other hand, only had a 12.1% persistence rate. (Hypothesis 1) Meanwhile for Hypothesis 2, no variation was found according to the race of the students. (Hypothesis 2) In terms of the success rate in the fields, it was shown that persisters (students who stuck with SE fields through everything) scored much higher as far as academic proficiency. (Hypothesis 3) Lastly, it was shown that the combination of race and sex in the same test showed some variation. (Hypothesis 4) Overall, Mau successfully showed the differentiations between factors that determine whether or not students pursue scientific or engineering