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The cost of child care, and college tuition alone is significant for a double income home, let alone a single. Despite this, welfare reform has historically put single mothers at a further disadvantage. The government spends 500 billion to fix child poverty, which could easily be decreased by the expanding the limits of the welform reform benefits specifically for single income families. Full time child care can cost upwards of 20,000 dollars in some states. Also almost every other well developed country gives paid leave to new parents. The reform of TANF ( Temporary Assistance for Needy Families ) in 1996 added limitations to welfare availability. This included a 5 year limit and a 30 hour minimum work week. This might sound like a good thing, but for single mothers and fathers balancing fifty things at once, it made receiving aid almost impossible. Coverage for single income homes plummeted to an all time low. Roughly one in four single