The importance of working with children and young people and in helping them understand the importance of their safety and well being.
The development of self image and identity are strongly linked to self esteem. Self image and identity is defined as the individual's view of their own personality and abilities and the individual's perception of how other people view them and their abilities. children's self esteem and confidence can be supported in a number of ways. Try and find something the child is good at or interested in and remember to only set realistic goals with the child. Treat each pupil as an individual, recognising each has an unique abilities and help them to maximise their individual potential. Encourage the child to focus on what they are good at. Give positive praise for everyone’s work in the class and encourage and display positive personal body language. Try and create an atmosphere where all the children feel included when work or behaviour is being celebrated. Praise should not always be directed at achievement. Being happy and playing nicely with others are also praise worthy. Always treat children and young people with respect. Provide a positive atmosphere with stimulating play materials is also important in order to support children's self esteem. Children need the freedom to experiment and fail without being criticised or reprimanded ensure they are aware that it is the behaviour that is unacceptable and not the child. It is also important to build positive relationships with the children based on trust in order to support the development of their self esteem and confidence. Children and young people vary in their ability to deal effectively with different circumstances and challenges. Encourage children to compare their achievements against their own previous efforts rather than against other pupils. Allow all pupils opportunities to make decisions and choices. Being involved in decision making will increase