motives for the Europeans were simple: maintain as much land as they could and get all the goods like gold and corn. The Europeans wanted to spread their culture, so the Spaniards developed the encomienda system which meant the owners of slaves had to promise to Christianize their slaves in order to get more. This collision of worlds impacted Europe, the Americas, and Africa extremely. The people in Africa were being sold into slavery and shipped off to the New World for forced labor. The Americas gained goods like wheat, sugar, rice, coffee, horses, cows, and pigs. However, the Europeans were giving them diseases like small pox, measles, bubonic plague, influenza, typhus, diphtheria, and scarlet fever. The diseases spread so quickly that in no time at all about 90% of the native population had perished. Europe also gained some goods like gold, silver, corn, potatoes, pineapples, tomatoes, tobacco, beans, vanilla, and chocolate. In addition as a sort of revenge some native slaves began putting infected diseased blood in their owners’ bread; this developed the spread of syphilis. This whole exchange of goods and diseases is known as the Columbian exchange.
motives for the Europeans were simple: maintain as much land as they could and get all the goods like gold and corn. The Europeans wanted to spread their culture, so the Spaniards developed the encomienda system which meant the owners of slaves had to promise to Christianize their slaves in order to get more. This collision of worlds impacted Europe, the Americas, and Africa extremely. The people in Africa were being sold into slavery and shipped off to the New World for forced labor. The Americas gained goods like wheat, sugar, rice, coffee, horses, cows, and pigs. However, the Europeans were giving them diseases like small pox, measles, bubonic plague, influenza, typhus, diphtheria, and scarlet fever. The diseases spread so quickly that in no time at all about 90% of the native population had perished. Europe also gained some goods like gold, silver, corn, potatoes, pineapples, tomatoes, tobacco, beans, vanilla, and chocolate. In addition as a sort of revenge some native slaves began putting infected diseased blood in their owners’ bread; this developed the spread of syphilis. This whole exchange of goods and diseases is known as the Columbian exchange.