This production had three different clips that were put on by “The Production Company,” and was filmed by James Terry and Michael Wilson. The actors have fully committed to their character’s role in the play. I think they have spent a lot of time making sure there are different types of relationships with certain characters throughout the play by showing small or large gestures. For example, during ‘The Jet Song,’ the boys are constantly interacting with each other in a joyful way. Their interactions show that they are proud to be a Jet and make the audience also have a joyful feeling because of the great singing. This scene primarily focuses on the voice rather than dancing. This production did not follow the original storyline of West Side Story. Instead they give the story line the feeling of a more modernized version through, lighting, set design, costumes and interactions within the
This production had three different clips that were put on by “The Production Company,” and was filmed by James Terry and Michael Wilson. The actors have fully committed to their character’s role in the play. I think they have spent a lot of time making sure there are different types of relationships with certain characters throughout the play by showing small or large gestures. For example, during ‘The Jet Song,’ the boys are constantly interacting with each other in a joyful way. Their interactions show that they are proud to be a Jet and make the audience also have a joyful feeling because of the great singing. This scene primarily focuses on the voice rather than dancing. This production did not follow the original storyline of West Side Story. Instead they give the story line the feeling of a more modernized version through, lighting, set design, costumes and interactions within the