The collapse of the Roman Empire brought huge problems within it’s territories. Roma was actually divided into two; one in eastern part Constantine took over as emperor (312 AD) and maintained the aouthority under the Orthodox mission until the conquest of the Constantino polis.(1453 AD) While western Roman empire wouldnt last no longer and in a quite short amount of time they came under the Germanic invaders. At that time, western europe consisted of small self-contained denominations. Lastly, the North Africa will later on accept the homage of the Arabs and most of them converted to islam while some of rest stayed as a Cristian who they known as a Egyptian Christian Copts. (Stearns, 2003)Copts were maybe the only remains from the Roman civilization.
In Western Europe, the vulnerable and unguarded peasants began to rule by Germanic invaders that resulted feudatory systems to establish. Although this fragmented peninsula would had came under the authority when Attila Hun period, the kingdom of him again fall after the death of him and again Western Europe decomposed. (Stearns, 2003)
In the mean while, the new empire of Arabs flourished and day by day they extended their realm to the beyond of Iberia. After the period of four khalifa, the family of Umayyad gained power and took the control of the Arab empire and conquered the area what is today called Spain. (Stearns, 2003) Conquest of Spain by Muslims actual was a turning point for overall history. After that Spain would enlighten by comprehensive improvements in astronomy, science, history and architecture etc. In this period they translated so many books including the Ancient Greeks, and they built famous libraries. Although they benefit from Ancient Greeks, that doest prove they are the successor of Rome. Rather than that, Arabs brought their cultures to the land and made it dominant to the
Cited: Stearns, P. N. (2003). World Civiliztions: The global experience, AP edition .