Wetland Treatment
Environmental Systems
Adam Pittman
Bluefield State College
Wetland Treatment
Environmental Systems
Adam Pittman
Bluefield State College
Adam Pittman
Environmental Systems
Wetland Treatment
A very important aspect in civil engineering is dealing with projects that contain wetland treatment. Wetland treatment is a very touchy matter in most environmental practices across the country and must be dealt with according to law in order to preserve wildlife and natural ecosystems that do so much to benefit engineering projects as a whole and society. Wetlands have many different construction properties and techniques that must be considered creating many problems in the engineering construction process which is a reason why wetland treatment needs to be dealt with the proper way by all parties. Essentially, wetland treatment is a top focus and concern because of its ecological factors and its construction hindrance. Wetlands are found all across the world on every continent except Antarctica from the snowy tundra to the hot tropics. Because of the Clean Water Act, the term wetland means “those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas.” (Clean Water Act) Wetlands are a dangerous and all projects built on or near one should be cautious of potential failure due to flooding. A good question to ask is why wetlands are valuable if they cause so much potential harm in the building world? The answer is because they are important to the ecosystem and animals that inhabit that ecosystem such as fish, birds, and other wildlife. The animals in the ecosystem are important to our environment because they provide different positive impacts on the surrounding land.
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