A. Steps to promote Interdisciplinary care in the clinic
After observation of handling the care of Ms.R by Ms.W the need for a plan to promote interdisciplinary care/communication and the maximum utilization of it, would definitely be an important process that requires intervention. One of the steps that I, as the new nurse supervisor would implement, will be to set up a daily stand up meeting where all the disciplines are involved for at least 30-60 minutes where we discuss and go over all the patients and make notes on what the pane for their treatments are. Given the situation, an end of the day meeting would probably be more efficient where all the disciplines can address the issues that they had during the previous day and discuss into determining goals that would be available to work towards them by the beginning of the next day or with the new shift staff. This will be an almost immediate intervention and would start addressing the issues at the earliest most convenient time. During the meeting, it will be mandatory where the discipline in charge of their patient(s) will have to disclose the steps taken so far, goals to be achieved, interventions planned and the time frame they strive to and/or plan to achieve these goals. Since all the disciplines will be present in the meeting, it will be a good tool to utilize an opinion sharing and collegiality experience to help in suggesting, advising and offering an intervention that might be beneficial and result in positive outcomes for the patient(s) that will be discussed on. Another step that I will suggest implementing would be a documented form on each note that needs to be filled out daily where questions such as:
Indications for Medical Social Worker needed? Yes/No Reason.
Indications for diet counseling and nutritional education necessary? Yes/No Reason
Indications for Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy/Speech pathologist Therapy Yes/No Reason.
References: National Council.1995. Delegation. Concepts and Decision-making Process. The Five Rights of Delegation.P.1-2 Retrieved Anderson. L.(2013). Guidelines to Effective Nursing Delegation. Retrieved Halstead, A.J & R, Gayle.(2009). Interprofessional Issues: Collaboration and Collegiality. In A.J. Halstead & R. Gayle. Issues and Trends in Nursing. Essential Knowledge for Today and Tomorrow (pp.119-133).Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers