To work in an interprofessional way within clinical practice students must learn the skills required during the course of their training, much of this is learnt during clinical placement whilst working collaboratively with other disciplines, however some students enter areas of clinical practice where the IPW ethos is poor. Thus never allowing them to learn the skills required to work in an interprofessional …show more content…
We would work in this team for the remainder of the module. During the first IP conference we made introductions and spoke about our chosen discipline. We worked together effectively if only briefly during this day on icebreaker activities, as other opportunities were cut short. We did not manage to discuss the tasks ahead of us or decide on group ground rules or elect a chairperson. We did discuss our preconceived stereotypical ideas about each other’s disciplines. Other students had the preconceived idea that midwives feel they are better than other heath care professionals. However they found me to be friendly open and engaging. Atwal (2002) proposed a lack of understanding of different professionals' roles as well as a lack of awareness of the different pressures faced by different team members could make communication and decision making …show more content…
Although midwifery practice is known to be autonomous, within midwifery clinical practice interprofessional collaboration occurs with each patient. Every woman whether high or low risk is discussed by the interprofessional team. If the patient is high risk collaboration will continue through out the patients stay in hospital. I have observed how every member of the team working around the patient has a role and how the professionals within the team communicate effectively person-to-person and with in their written records using the SBAR system to ensure the care given is patient centered, with the emphasis on team interactions, communication, evidenced based and