There are now limitations of free speech that were not put in place before because they have evolved as a problem of our society in this day and age. These limitations that "Fall outside of its protection are obscenity, child pornography, defamation, incitement to violence and true threats of violence," (Richards) "Even in those categories, there are tests that have to be met in order for the speech to be illegal. Beyond that, we are free to speak" (Richards). The Supreme Court of the United States of America fully supports and condones the First Amendment in all aspects and cases that don’t fall under any of these categories. This law is held to the highest importance because our country is run off of the human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and without freedom to have a voice this would not exist. The limitations are set in place, but when the Founding Fathers passed this Amendment they wanted absolute freedom of speech, as they felt there should be no limits on what can be said and not said. Everyone has a voice or at least that’s how it started off. Present day issues, such as the items listed above, shouldn’t create a limitation on what can and cannot be said. That’s why we live in a free country unlike any in the world.…