Mostly whales and dolphins compare so many things, but at the same time they have their differences.Whales can weigh up to 150 tons and dolphins between 400-600lbs (200-300kg).There are two kind of whales baleen and toothed whales.But dolphins are like whales because they belong to the tooth whales.Whales and dolphins are interesting because each one has so many things to learn about.’Some similarities that dolphins and whales have in common is that they are mammals, they both are very smart, and have forelimbs modified as fins and nasal openings (blowholes) on top of the head. The end of the tail is composed of two flukes, and is used for propulsion like using a handlebars on a bike. Other similarities include their sense organs, vocalization and sleeping methods. Dolphin and whales are hunted for food by Japan, China, And Russia. Both whales and dolphins are the largest mammals.’Most dolphins live long lives. The bottlenose dolphin can live over 40 years, and the orca can live to be 70 or 80.Dolphins consume a variety of prey including fish, squid and crustaceans.Dolphin coloration varies, but they are generally gray in color with darker backs than the rest of their bodies.Dolphins do not have body hair.All species of dolphin have teeth, some have up to 250 teeth.’Some of the whales could live toward 20-40 years, but can live up to 80 years.The diet of whales depends on their species, it can range from microscopic plankton to large marine mammals.Many whales, especially baleen whales, tend to migrate long distances from their cold-water feeding grounds to warm-water.They travel alone or in groups, or pods, on their annual migrations. Toothed whales often hunt in groups, migrate together and share young-rearing…