The bloody code, refers to a series of severe laws and punishments, that were introduced in the early 1700’s; this was a time when capital punishment was extended to cover many more offences. Originally, punishment by death, would only have applied to a few crimes, including, murder and treason. This was further increased in The Black Act, of 1723, by another 50. Many rich landowners believed that crime was on the increase, due to the expansion of small village communities, into larger developed towns, giving people more opportunities to commit criminal offences. As there was now a great availability of pamphlets and broadsheets, many people were given the impression that crime was everywhere, as they were often told stories of violent crime and murder. There was also the appearance of four new types of criminal; vagabonds, highwaymen, smugglers and witches,; this was also widely publicised, and many of the wealthy landowners were MPs, and would have wanted to protect their property from thieves.…