Domain: Eukarya
“Eu karyotic Protist Supergroups”
1. Supergroup Excavata
Genus – Euglena Tryponsoma
2. Super group Chromolaveolata
a. Ceratium
b. Plasmodium
c. Paramecium
d. Laminaraia
3. Super group Archaeplastida
a. Red Algae “ Polysiphonia”
b. Green Algae “Chlamydomadas, Hydrodictyon, Spirogyra, Volvox”
4. Unikonta
a. Amoeba
b. Some other small creatures that have flagella
Pro – No membrane, No Histone, They have a cell wall, unicellular
Super groups in Eukarya domain:
Monophyletic – includes all the descendants as well as the common ancestor
Paraphyletic – Grouping not based on evolution, but some superphicial trait. Protists are under this category
Photosynthetic autotrophy – fixed solar energy
Heterotrophy – Digestion to get energy
Mix trophy – Both traits
Domain Eukarya
“Super group Unikonta”
Kingdom Fungi
1. Phylum Zygomycota
a. Rhizopus
b. Pilobolus
2. Ascomycota “Sac fungi”
a. Morchellin
b. Saccaronyces
3. Phylum Basidiomycoa “Club fungi”
a. Mushroom, Shelf Fungi, Puffballs
4. Phylum Deuteromycota
a. Imperfect fungi
b. Aspergillus
c. Penicillius
Fungi are heterotrophic, they feed off other things:
Saprophytic = Get energy from dead material.
Parasitic = get energy from living organisms (+,-)
Symbiotic = The organisms benefit from each …show more content…
Only nervous tissue is well defined in cnidarians. Radial animals have an oral (mouth) surface and an opposite (non-mouth) aboral surface but no dorsal or ventral surfaces, no anterior or posterior ends, nor left and right sides. Most radial animals are carnivorous and have tentacles for capturing prey that project around their tentacles and mouth up are termed polyps; pelagic species that float or swim in open water project their tentacles and mouth down are termed