Bill of rights - declaration and enumeration of a person’s right and privileges which the Constitution is designed to protect against violations
Basis: social importance accorded to the individual in a democratic or republican state
Classes of rights 1) Natural rights – right possessed by every citizen without being granted by the State for they are given to man by God
Ex. Right to life, right to liability, right to property, right to love 2) Constitutional right – rights which are conferred and protected by the Constitution; cannot be taken away 3) Statutory rights – rights which are provided by laws promulgated by the law-making body and may be abolished by the same body
Ex. Right to receive a minimum wage, …show more content…
No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion
Religious freedom – right of man to worship God
Religion – all forms of belief in the existence of superior beings exercising power over human beings
Aspects of religious freedom 1) Separation of church and state 2) Freedom of religious prefession and worship
Freedom of religious profession and worship 1) Freedom to believe in a religion 2) Freedom to act in accordance with such belief
Right to disseminate religious beliefs 1) Relationship with right to believe – right to disseminate religious beliefs and information 2) Justification for restraint of right
License fee or tax on sale of religious articles 1) Permission or condition for exercise of right 2) Imposition of financial burden after exercise of right
Religious test prohibited 1) Meaning of terms a) Religious test – one demanding the affirmation or contradiction of certain religious beliefs before the performance of any act b) ‘civil’ or ‘political’ rights including the individual rights 2) Reason for provision – without prohibition, religious freedom becomes meaningless
Sec 6. Liberty of abode and travel * Right of a person to have his home in whatever place chosen by