The most common memory impairment experienced by individuals with dementia is short-term memory loss. However, the individuals may be able to remember things that happened many years ago. Other memory impairments could include:…
As Harry Johns, Alzheimer Association CEO and President says, “In the course of the past several decades, we have seen remarkable progress in the area of public health. Unfortunately, Alzheimer 's is not one of the areas in which we have seen that level of discovery because of the chronic underinvestment in Alzheimer 's research, which needs to be addressed now" ( center).…
1.2 Dementia is a condition of the brain which causes a gradual loss of mental ability, including problems with memory, understanding, judgement, thinking and language. In addition, other problems commonly develop, such as changes in personality and changes in the way a person interacts with others in social situations. As dementia progresses, a person's ability to look after themselves from day to day may also become affected. There are various causes of dementia. Some memory loss as we age is normal, but the kind of memory loss associated with dementia is more severe…
Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking, and social/behavioral skills. The direct cause of it is not yet fully understood, but based on studies, the disease seems to be a result of the combination of genetic material, lifestyle, and environmental factors that affect the brain. While Alzheimer’s is most commonly found among people above the age of 65, it is not what would considered a normal part of aging. However, it is the most common risk factor for this disease. As the age of a person reaches 65, the risk of getting this disease doubles every five years.…
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is classically defined as a dual clinicopathological entity. The cause of Alzheimer's disease is unknown. This gap in knowledge has created a stumbling block in the search for a genuinely effective treatment or cure for this dementia,…
Fixed cognitive impairments are due to a single event. Traumatic brain injury may cause generalized damage to the white matter of the brain or localized damages. A temporary reduction in the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain may lead to this type of dementia. A stroke or brain infection can also be the cause of dementia. Excessive alcoholic intake results in alcoholic dementia. Use of recreational drugs cause substance induced dementia. Once the over use of these drugs are stopped he impairment persists but may not progress. Dementia which begins gradually and worsens progressively over several years is usually caused by neurodegenerative disease; that is, by conditions affecting only or primarily the neurons of the brain and causing gradual but irreversible loss of function of these cells. Less commonly, a non-degenerative condition may have secondary effects on brain cells, which may or may not be reversible if the condition is treated. The causes of dementia depend on the age at which symptoms begin. In the elderly population, a large majority of cases of dementia are caused by Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia or both. It is rare to have dementia in young people, Among youngsters also the major dementia observed is Alzheimer's disease. People who are affected by frequent head trauma, like boxers and football players are risk of dementia. Other than alcohol, drugs and psychiatric reasons certain genetic disorders also can cause dementia.…
Fisher, Abraham. Advances in Alzheimer 's and Parkinson 's Disease: Insights, Progress, and Perspectives. New York: Springer, 2008. Print. This text goes in depth explaining the possible advances in curing Alzheimer’s disease. Also, it tells how far the research has come since the earliest research in curing the disease. Alzheimer’s disease research has advanced a lot since the beginning. The text includes a few graphs which depict the advances in technology used, and the progress that has been made in the ongoing research. The text is a decent source for those who are looking into the scientific research side of Alzheimer’s disease. It also shows how different perspectives on the topic have brought different outcomes in research. No matter the stance, the text clearly shows there have been advances in research and it gives a positive outlook to the reader.…
Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, which means that gradually, over time, more parts of the brain are damaged. As this happens, the symptoms become more and more severe.…
Alzheimer's Disease is defined as a progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions. The symptoms are unforgiving and life-altering. They include memory impairment, difficulty speaking, impaired judgment, disorientation, confusion, and behavioral changes. It is impossible to be completely certain about an Alzheimer's diagnosis until a post mortem examination is performed, and the brain tissue is examined.…
Alzheimers disease: causes- changes in chemistry and structure of the brain, death of brain cells, signs and symptoms- memory loss related to recent events,familiar faces, confusion about time of day, familiar objects and faces, finding the right word.…
Alzheimer's is a strange and mysterious illness. There are many frequently asked questions that must be answered.…
Alzheimer’s affects more than 5.1 million Americans and nearly as 44 million people worldwide. “Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the brain's nerve cells, or neurons, resulting in loss of memory, thinking and language skills, and behavioral changes,” (Alzheimer). Alzheimer’s is an illness that develops in individuals as they are aging and the number of cases of individuals developing Alzheimer’s have doubled in recent time. Alzheimer’s attacks the brain in ways the effects how a person lives their daily lives. It prevents people from being independent since it attacks the brain functions and causes them to become forgetful and confuse most of the time. During the early stages of Alzheimer’s individuals forget small things like where they placed something, and in later stages they…
As with any disease, dementia has many and varied reasons that cause it, but people think that the progress in age is the only cause that lead to dementia. This is true the progress of age can lead to dementia, but this is not the primary pathogenic. Actually, the main cause is that dementia caused when the brain cells damaged. This damage impedes the abilities and communications of the brain cells. However, as soon as the brain cells communications become abnormal, the thinking, behavior, actions and emotions will be affects. The brain has many different regions, and each region responsible for vary task, when the cells of the region damaged, the region will function in an abnormal way. Dementia causes divided into three sections, which are common causes, less common and rare.…
When governments continuously disenfranchise their population by lack of economic opportunity or education, they have a right to revolt against their governments. Both violent and nonviolent protests develop under the same conditions and fight for the same causes, therefore, both forms of civil disobedience are justifiable. Historically, marginalized groups, especially black communities in the United States, have experienced terror by the hands of police for centuries. After centuries of harassment, black communities have taken a stance against the injustices committed by those who are sworn in to protect them. Civil disobedience, whether violent or non-violent, is universally a justifiable method to achieve social change.…
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized as a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. It is irreversible and it slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to perform simple tasks. Unfortunately, Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and over five million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s. There are many symptoms within each category of Alzheimer’s. In mild Alzheimer’s disease, where Alzheimer’s is usually diagnosed, the person presents with memory loss and other problems such as behavior changes, losing things, repeating questions, getting lost, and taking longer to complete activities of daily living. In the next category, moderate Alzheimer’s…