To begin, diseases and illnesses were a big problem at Valley Forge. In February of 1778, 50% of the soldiers were sick out of the entire army, which only had about 8,000 men in it. (Doc. A) It was…
There have been many illnesses and deaths at the camp of Valley of Forge. Soldiers are deciding whether they should stay or leave the camp, but if it were my choice, I would leave. For example in The Diary of Dr. Waldo “Doc C” he states that the soldiers are suffering from starvation and they are feeding off of just water and flour. Also, in their huts there is no ventilation and they have to breathe smoke most of the time. In Dr. Waldo’s point of view, they have been sent there to freeze and starve. To add on, in the Estimate of Illness and Death “Doc A” there has been an illness going around and it has been killing people. Almost 50% of the soldiers had died out of 8,000 people. High risk of death is one of the main reasons I would want to…
After being defeated in several battles George Washington led his army of eleven thousand soldiers to Valley Forge. “As the men marched to this retreat their route could be traced in the snow by the blood that had oozed fron broken shoes” ( Soldiers demoralized with no food, water, clothes or shelter arrive at Valley Forge and for two weeks spend their time building huts in which to spend the winter. Many med did not have blankets and were to spend the night by the fire to keep them from freezing. “Thus that long and dreary winter was spent by the patriots who won for us the independence of America, and the fewness of the desertions of that trying hour attest the depths of their patriotism” wrote Lafayette years later…
A) Here are the estimates of illness and deaths at Valley Forge. (Dec.1777- Feb.1778) . The total number of soldiers at Valley Forge on Dec.23, 1777 was 12,000 and on Feb.1, 1778 it dropped to 8,000. so that mean 4,0000 people either some died or left. the number of illness during Encampment on Dec.23, 1777 was 2,898 people with illness and on Feb.1, 1778 3,989 people with illness. so more people got illness in February than December so there losing soldiers that's not a good thing. Then people about 1,800 to 2,500 died in…
George Washington had led the Continental Army through battle after battle, and only won two minor battles. While the British set up comfortable quarters in Philadelphia, George Washington had his men build uniform huts in Valley Forge, a few miles away. Sickness and disease ran rampant, and conditions were torturous. Your family is poor and your mother is ill. Since your nine-month enlistment is up, Washington's men are progressing from hut to hut to find out if soldiers will reenlist or quit. The question asked by this Mini-Q is, ‘Had you been a soldier at Valley Forge, would you have quit?’ I would have quit because the British army had so many advantages and illness was almost unavoidable.…
The continental army had no support from congress and no supplies. In a painting by William Henry, The Committee of Congress at Valley Forge, it shows the committee of congress on one side, with George Washington trying to convince them to give the army supplies such as food, shoes, and clothes, and support in the war. The continental Army looks upset so they’re not having much luck. The committee of congress was not giving support or supplies, so many troops didn’t even have shoes.…
In conclusion the men at Valley Forge took a stand against the British Continental army, defeated the British continental army while having very meager resources, George Washington helped in many ways for winning the war by making battle plans and making sure his troops had clothing, Von Steuben trained the troops to be better marksmen, trained them so they followed orders even if they disliked them, and so they had more discipline. The men at Valley Forge also faced many hardships during the winter such as being underfed, being poorly dressed, and facing smallpox, typhoid fever and other diseases. About 2,000 men died that winter because of these causes. Thank your reading my essay on Valley Forge and how they took a stand against the British Continental…
Struggled with keeping the British from tracking them down, so they had to play it extra safe. But as soon as they reached the French Quarter not all hope was lost. A soldier would of quit Valley Forge because of how many people died, not enough money, and the living conditions.…
Many of the men are starving and ill; I doubt i will even make it out alive. Two years into the Revolutionary War, the capital of Philadelphia was taken by the British. The Patriots had set up a winter camp at Valley Forge, 18 miles from Philadelphia in 1777. One question I have to ask myself is if I was a soldier at Valley Forge would have quit (leave and not re-enlist). I have decided to re-enlist for three reasons which are we need more soldiers, you could move up in rank, but mostly because Washington needs help.…
December, that year, was more than cold and bitter, it was deadly, and the soldiers all knew it the minute they saw the meager food and medicine supplies they were given. On top of that, the soldiers decision to stay and re-enlist or to go home was drawing near, so they had to make the decision, would they stay, or would they go? In December of 1778, George Washington and his troops built the camp of Valley Forge (18 miles away from Philadelphia) in order to stay on the tails of the British troops stationed in the town of Philadelphia (a place where many even rooted for the British). Unfortunately, this winter would soon prove to be long, hard, and fatal. So, would you have re-enlisted in the American Army if you were a U.S. Soldier? I would have re-enlisted in the Continental Army because,…
In the chart, Estimates at Valley Forge, it shows the total number of soldiers at Valley Forge. In December, there were about 12,000 men, but in February there was only a total about 8,000. Also, in February already 3,989 out of 8,000 men have caught a sickness or disease. This means that about 4,000 out of 8,000 soldiers died or left between December and February and there was about 50% of people who caught an illness. This reason shows that the army is growing weak and losing soldiers.…
When you hear “Valley Forge” do you think of great living conditions, a large quantity of food, and all healthy soldiers? No. In the winter of 1777 and 1778 when George Washington’s Continental Army was forced to set up winter camp in Philadelphia even the littlest task of surviving was a struggle. Washington couldn’t even keep his own soldiers in the battle. So if you were a 9 month soldier, living in huts, becoming ill, and not being provided with enough supplies would you have stayed to fight for your country or would you have left to be with your family? Even though the Continental Army was made up of patriot soldiers, many deserted, and so would I due to the fact that death and illness were very common, Washington wasn’t a very good leader, and the housing was poor.…
I would not quit Washington’s army because of there being a lot of sick people, but you had a low chance of dying from the sickness. In document A about 3989 out of 8000 people were sick in Valley Forge. About half of the soldiers were sick, so about 50% of Washington’s army in Valley Forge were sick. In document A all of the soldiers, all 12000 soldiers, half of them were sick but only about 1800 died from sickness. So all of the soldiers that died shows me that 15% of all of the soldiers died from sickness, so if you were there in Valley Forge and you were sick you would have a 15% of dying.…
On Document A it says that 2,898 men were sick and it was estimated that 1,800 to 2,500 soldiers died. One of the reasons that is helping me consider to re-enlist is that there is so many men leaving or either dying. I could stay and I will probably move up in rank. I will be given more shelter and more food and a whole ton of other supplies which will give me a better chance of surviving here at Valley Forge.…
What actually caused the American Civil War? Some people simplistically answer that it was a fight against slavery. While slavery did have an important part to play in the lead up to the Civil War, there were other causes that fed the fight between North and South that finally erupted into secession and Civil War with the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1864.…