education, professional skills and etc, Not only that, the manufacturing from old economy mode is still needed for today, as what Sweet and Meiksins said in the book, the old economy is also embedded in the new economy (Sweet and Meiksins pg. 38),which means even today we are in the new economy system,there still no reason we have to abandon the old economy completely.
the rapid amount of growth in Information Communication Technologies are dramatic changed the work and workplace over the past 30 years. First of foremost, nowadays, with cell phones, laptop, WIFI or the internet, people can work anywhere they want, they are no longer need to go to the office every day. In this way, they can get more closely connected with their family, because most of the teleworkers believe it can help them reduce some of the stresses of trying to reconcile the demands of work and family.(Volti pg.88) In a more optimistic side, information communication technologies can make work easier for people to contact with their customer who’s thousands of miles away, also they can exchange a large amount of information without any delay, it can just send straight by email. In short, the telework will be more effective and more humanity, it can help workers to work better than stay in the office and be able to take care of their family at the same time.