The development of the New World led to the emergence of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. There was an abundance of land in the New world, but not enough people to take care of it. Therefore, the demand for slaves increased. Slaves were transported from Africa to the Western Hemisphere in awful conditions. The space was so cramped they were forced to crouch or lie down, there was a lack of sanitation, they were given an insufficient amount of food, disease spread, and women were exposed to violence and sexual abuse from the crew. Slaves remained in these …show more content…
After 1619, when the White Lion, a Dutch ship, brought 20 Africans ashore at the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia, slavery spread throughout the American colonies. Historians have estimated that 6 to 7 million slaves were imported to the New World during the 18th century. Once the slaves were imported they were then auctioned off to the highest bidder. After the auctioning, they were delivered to their new owner, who then put them to work.
There were two types of slaves, Agricultural and household. Agricultural slaves worked in the fields and lived in little cabins, while household slaves worked, and often lived, in the house with the owner. House slaves had many duties such as cooking, cleaning, serving meals, and caring for children Slaves usually had few rights, always fewer than his owner, but there were not many places in which they had absolutely