Colonist looked upon the Natives to show them the ways of the land. The Virginia Company directed the colonist to start a camaraderie with the Natives. They stated “[they] have any: and this you must do before they perceive you mean to plant among them; for not being sure how your own seed corn will prosper the first year, to avoid the danger of famine, use and endeavor to store yourselves of the country corn”.(Jamestown 1607) But they were also directed not to trust them because many natives did not like the “new foreigners” on their land. The ultimate plot was to learn the way of the lands to build the free land and claim as theirs. The English believed God gave them the right to spread the word about Christianity and he, also, gave the power to drive out anyone that did not want to live accordingly to English law. At the end of the letter Virginia wrote, “the way to prosper and achieve good success is to make yourselves all of one mind of the good of your country and your own, and to serve and fear God the Giver of all Goodness, for every plantation which our Heavenly Father has not planted shall be rooted out. (Jamestown 1607) Native Americans played a crucial role in the colonists survival. "The Native Americans who lived in the area taught the settlers how to smoke and dry indigenous meat and fish and how to plant the three sisters -- corn, beans and squash -- in mounds fertilized by fish and blessed by powdered tobacco, which is also a natural insect repellent," said Kinorea "Two Feather" Tigri.” (Post-Gazette) "They also taught how to navigate from place to place by water and over land, how to tan hides used for clothing, how to identify toxic plants and berries and explained the medicinal and culinary use of indigenous herbs." (Post-Gazette) The Europeans slowly wiped out Native Americans with diseases
Colonist looked upon the Natives to show them the ways of the land. The Virginia Company directed the colonist to start a camaraderie with the Natives. They stated “[they] have any: and this you must do before they perceive you mean to plant among them; for not being sure how your own seed corn will prosper the first year, to avoid the danger of famine, use and endeavor to store yourselves of the country corn”.(Jamestown 1607) But they were also directed not to trust them because many natives did not like the “new foreigners” on their land. The ultimate plot was to learn the way of the lands to build the free land and claim as theirs. The English believed God gave them the right to spread the word about Christianity and he, also, gave the power to drive out anyone that did not want to live accordingly to English law. At the end of the letter Virginia wrote, “the way to prosper and achieve good success is to make yourselves all of one mind of the good of your country and your own, and to serve and fear God the Giver of all Goodness, for every plantation which our Heavenly Father has not planted shall be rooted out. (Jamestown 1607) Native Americans played a crucial role in the colonists survival. "The Native Americans who lived in the area taught the settlers how to smoke and dry indigenous meat and fish and how to plant the three sisters -- corn, beans and squash -- in mounds fertilized by fish and blessed by powdered tobacco, which is also a natural insect repellent," said Kinorea "Two Feather" Tigri.” (Post-Gazette) "They also taught how to navigate from place to place by water and over land, how to tan hides used for clothing, how to identify toxic plants and berries and explained the medicinal and culinary use of indigenous herbs." (Post-Gazette) The Europeans slowly wiped out Native Americans with diseases