As I have grown up I have learned that friends and the friendships I have or will have are not permanent. By reflecting on learning about how friends come and go, I have been able to grow and stabilize my need of friendship, which has allowed me to not fall into this tier due to lack of friendship. My family need has always been met, and through events in my life, when the need for family was strongest, they were there to help the need. Two events in my life, caused me to fall into the third tier into which I see growth in myself. The first being, when I came out to my family as gay, with the worry of not being accepted and loved by my family. To unneeded worry, they were glad I told them, and I felt that the need of family was better met as I was not lying to the people I cared deeply about. Second event that has shaped my life was my suicide attempt. My family stepped up to help me at my time of need. At those moments, I did not see that the need of family was so important, but after the fact I can reflect and see that without my need for family, events could have played out for the …show more content…
I view myself as consistently being in this tier, though at brief times I am at the highest tier. For this tier, I have met my needs of respect of others and respect by others easily, and without much thought. Also, most of the time in my life, the need of achievement is being met. Where I struggle and continue to struggle within this tier are with the needs of self-esteem and confidence. Though, I have been learning how to meet these needs. The major contributing factor of why I am unable to meet these needs is due to my depression and figuring out how to live with it. Depression is complex, but adding it into the mix of life makes it inherently more difficult. My ability to meet the needs of self-esteem, confidence, and sense of achievement is partly determined by illness. I have not fully learned how to work with depression, and thus it is hindering me from being able to focus on my needs to instead focus on my depressive state. These used to be sacrificed nearly daily as I hoped that I could figure out how to manage my depression, now that I understand that they are intertwined, I must work with my depression to obtain my needs. Self-esteem and confidence are my most challenging needs and are the primary needs holding me back from