Children who are members of gangs often struggle with disrespect, hatefulness, and are even abusive towards parents, sibling, and members of society. They tend to argue constantly with family. Some family members because of fear walk on eggshells, they try to duck saying anything that will set him or her off. No matter how hard the primary caregiver tries to talk, punish, plead, and negotiate with the angry child he or she still walks away back to the gang members they believe love them. These children are very defiant, hostile and rebuttal to comply are ongoing, and the behavior affects the entire family and requires more serious involvement. These children do not have the emotional attachment which began when they was inside their mother’s womb. What was missing when these children cried they had no primary care giver to meet their need? Children in gangs seem to come from homes where there was no one to cuddle them when they cried, no one to form an emotional tie with, and no fostering to keep them from turning to gangs, looking for love in all the wrong places.
These children in gangs