where geographically it was located. Eastern and Western Europe were created from the ground up because of the events that shook the reasoning of insecurities, and is what makes the quid pro quo idea come to life based upon past events. Eastern and Western Europe have their similarities when it comes to their Political factors. Both parts of Europe started as a Monarchy, and ended as a democracy. Eastern Europe transitioned into Communism that then transitioned into a democracy, while Western Europe transitioned straight into a Democracy. Political factors are never exactly the same in each region, but they can be vigorously similar in many ways. Eventhough they both have started and ended with the same types of political systems, the difference’s take into effect when it comes to what is used to create guidelines such as who is in charge of decisions of one’s government. Eastern and Western Europe are similar because both began as the same thing and then another divided the two leaving the people without a choice.
Eastern and Western Europe again have similarities when it comes to their Economical system. Both parts of Europe started as a traditional economy, and then ended as a socialistic economy. Eastern Europe transitioned into market Economy that then transitioned into capitalism ending in socialism, while Western Europe transitioned from traditional to market ending in socialism. Economic factors differ in each region, but they can be alike in many ways. Eventhough they both have started and ended with the same types of Economical systems, the differences are shown when it comes to who controls the money and jobs. Eastern and Western Europe are similar because both began as the same type and then different types of economies separated them creating inflations in the market. Although Eastern and Western Europe share similar political and economic factors; the social aspects differ monogamously.