Using characters and symbols, Miller and Hansberry showcase the unsound tangents within the American Dream, and its indisputable focus on physicality to define wealth and status. The two plays expose the reality of the American Dream and its negative influence on the common man. The American Dream is often the aim in the common man’s life, although it is the root cause of deterioration when one bases wealth and riches as the end goal. The American Dream encompasses opportunity for prosperity, and the chance to to move upward in status, regardless of race, gender, or social class at birth. When the American Dream is associated with materialism and physical comfort, instead of family and spiritual values, an individual can become greedy and hopeless. The American Dream has often been referred to as a “fruitless pursuit” in that it causes individuals to only focus on material objects, wealth, and leave behind important family values, being loyalty, honesty, and morality. The faults enclosed in the American Dream are far more detrimental to the common man as it promotes material prosperity, and accentuates the idea of tangible wealth. At the heart of the American Dream, it is vital that the common man finds light in family and nurture core values, rather than chase…