seem impossible to reach. This will end up being true for Gatsby. The green light is a symbol of society’s desire and the impossibility of grasping the American Dream. Another important symbol in the novel is the billboard of Dr.
T.J. Eckleburg. The eyes symbolize the loss of moral values in America’s people. The billboard was created to promote the business of an optometrist. The eyes symbolize the growing commercialism of America - life in America is all about making money, a lot like the wealth of Tom Buchanan. They believe a man’s success is measured by how much money he has, not on what kind of person he is morally. The billboard, like the values of America, is neglected “But his eyes, dimmed a little by many paintless days, under sun and rain, brood on over the solemn dumping ground” (Fitzgerald 28). The old values of America are completely absent from the East, God seems to have abandoned America, leaving only Dr. T.J. Eckleburg behind to stare down on the people who have forgotten their values in the quest to achieve material
wealth. The American Dream produced wealth for some, like Gatsby, but for most people, their hopes to get rich is just like Gatsby reaching for the green light. The reality is that not everyone can have as much money as the Buchanans have. The idea that everyone can live the dream is just a dream, but who would want it anyways? If there is only one moral of Fitzgerald’s novel, it is that the American Dream is a big lie. It will never be achieved, it will only end in travisty.