The process of making the criminal is a process of tagging, defining identifying, segregating, describing, emphasizing, making conscious and self-conscious; it becomes a way of stimulating, suggesting, emphasizing, and evoking the very traits that are complained of. [Tannenbaum (1928: 19-20)]
The first, often called labeling or societal reaction theory, begins with a rejection of the idea that people become committed to deviant or criminal roles because they are unable to negotiate the rigors of everyday life or because they grow up in deviant social surroundings. [Cullen (1983: 123-124)] This theory known as labeling or societal reaction theory was formed as a significant paradigm in the 1960s and 1970s. Other deviant theorists tend to focus on the deviant and their behavior, while the labeling theory alters from that and moves on to look at the people who label the deviants and their behaviors. Within this perspective, there are four issues that theorists look at (Cullen and Cullen 1978a, b): origin of the "deviant label" or categories of
Bibliography: Boydell, Craig L., Carl F. Grindstaff and Paul C. Whitehead, Editors. (1972). Deviant Behaviour and Societal Reaction Cullen, Francis T. (1984). Rethinking Crime and Deviance Theory: The Emergence of a Structuring Tradition .Totowa, N.J Hawkins, Richard and Gary Tiedeman. (1975). The Creation of Deviance Interpersonal and Organizational Determinants Goode, Erich. (1978). Deviant Behavior: An Interactionist Approach. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall. Gove, Walter R., editor. (1980). The Labelling of Deviance: Evaluating a Perspective. Beverly Hills, Calif Lamb, Sharon. (1996). The Trouble With Blame: Victims, Perpetrators, and Responsibility. Robins, Lee N. (1966). Deviant Children Grown Up: A Sociological and Psychiatric Study of Sociopathic Personality Saragin, Edward (1975). Deviants and Deviance: An Introduction to the Study of Disvalued People and Behavior Schur, Edwin M. (1980). The Politics Of Deviance. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Scott, Robert A. and Jack D. Douglas, Editors. (1972). Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance.