These branches are Executive, Legislative and judicial. The idea of said different branches is to avoid the historical issues that have longed plagued societies prior to this groundbreaking system. The system received the name of ‘checks and balances” due to the nature of each branch ‘checking’ the other branches to not allow one branch to be more powerful or overpower any other branch thus creating a ‘balance’ within the system. Each branch was set up to have different powers and jobs to better help the nation rather than a single parliament or monarchy, like Europe.
The legislative branch allows or rejects presidential appointments and has the authority to declare war on another country or region. This branch includes the Congress which is made of the Senate and House of Representatives. The senate-house 100 senators (2 per state), and the house of representatives has 435 representatives which are split between all the states. Citizens have the right to vote for senators and representatives through ballots. Several agencies also provide support