They made three government branches that are called Executive Branch,Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch they made these three branches to have a system of checks and balances and prevents one branch from gaining too much power. To go into detail with the three branches the legislative branch main task is to make laws and pass laws the judicial branch main tasks is to review the laws and deciding cases involving states rights and the executive branch is one of the most important branches of them all Headed by the president. The president carries out federal laws and recommends new ones, directs national defense and foreign policy. The continuation made. …show more content…
The government has offer everybody free education so everyone can study and gain a skill to help the nation grow in the future our economy and democracy would be impossible without and education. The government has also protected our freedoms that means that political and economic rights are the foundation of our democracy and capitalist economy without them, we’d be nothing. Another thing that the government has done to keep a strong nation is improving public health care the government uses the public dollars to fund most of the basics research that private companies turn into life savings