The theory of Marxism begins by focusing on how societies cooperate in order to meet the demand of essential necessities, and how industries are managed. Conflict perspective was seen as a part of everyday life, the idea Dialectics and Materialism help the theory unravel. Dialectics was not an original idea created by Marx rather Hegel a companion and, Dialectics gives an answer to the problem after the argument has concluded. Hegel’s theory emphasized that no solution could be found unless an argument between two sides begins or the thesis and anti-thesis is established. Materialism focuses on …show more content…
In the society of the 19th century, capitalism was in power. The conflict perspective argued that wherever inequality existed in social class, conflict will arise to balance powers. The two different classes that exists with the conflict perspective were the middle, and working class. The middle class known as the bourgeoisie owned the factories and other industries. The proletarian, or working class off course did the labor. Both classes depended on each other, the bourgeoisie needed the workers for their labor and the workers needed money. When the proletarians saw the inequality they sought to change it by uniting in order to change their social status. The thesis of the conflict was with the bourgeoisie while the anti-thesis was the