The first type of network security technologies that can be implemented by the TedBrothers Inc are the SSL.SSL are the secure sockets layer. SSL is the standard security technology for encrypted link between a server and a client. It usually on the web server and browser only. The SSL can also allow sensitive information such as credit card numbers, and login credential for transmitted securely. To encrypt and decrypt the SSL, it need a certificate to do so. The second type of network security technologies that can be implemented by the TedBrothers Inc are the SSH. SHH are the Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell. It is a UNIX-based …show more content…
Step 4: the web server then decrypt the symmetric session key with the using the private key and then send back an acknowledgement encrypted.
Step 5: then the web browser and web server are now encrypt all transmitted data with the session …show more content…
SSH with a firewall can protect the network by start at the edge and use the firewall to block any access to SHH if there is unauthorized IP addresses. For instance, if the network has like road warriors, the VPN can be used to provide the secured access. It provides a very secured to the network which it is first layer of the security. If the company doesn’t have firewall hardware to protect the network, the company can use the IPTables to limit the SSH access. Restrict users which can be limit the certain users to log on to the network, with the use of AllowUsers directive, the network can be limit the access. It doesn’t require password which SSH only use keys to provide verifications. If the company using the keys, the company can completely disabled the password-based login. By installing this, if the employee had the password, they still cannot login. The image above is the sample image of the Cisco 800 Series Router. This type of router are suitable for starter, beginner or small business. It provide lots of useful for the business or the company itself. The router contains of the enterprise-grade security, the router are also having built-in WAN optimization which include the Gigabit Ethernet, 3G and 4G and also support fiber optics, and also the router can have cloud-application connectivity for transferring files from other employees to