
What Are Three Things That Occur In A Midsummer's Night Dream

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What Are Three Things That Occur In A Midsummer's Night Dream
Throughout the past 400+ years times and ways of life have changed, but if you think about it, stuff that occurred back then still occur now. The play “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” by Shakespeare displays the most common similarities between then and now. The play displays an arranged marriage, a couple arguing, and a group of people performing a play for entertainment. As stated before these three things still often occur today.
“Full of vexation I complain against . . . my daughter Hermia- Stand forth Demetrius-
. . . This man has my consent to marry her- Stand forth Lysander- . . . This man hath bewitched the bosom of my child . . .” (Shakespeare 1.1 20-30). Egeus (Hermia’s father) is going to the duke to resolve his problem. He wants to arrange a marriage between Demetrius and his daughter Hermia. Although, Hermia
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Once she has refused to marry
Demetrius, Egeus gives her two options: “I shall dispose of her- Which shall be either to this gentleman or to her death-
According to our law . . . .” (Shakespeare 1.1 43- 45). Just like in Shakespeare’s times arranged marriages are common today in India, Pakistan, Japan, China, and Israel. Although in the play her father chooses her partner, today in these places the eldest responsible relative chooses. In arranged marriages a common occurrence is arguing, but all relationships include arguing in them, even during Shakespeare's time
In “A Midsummer's Night Dream” part of the plot is the conflict between Oberon and Titania. The Queen of the fairies, Titania, is caring for a little Indian boy in which Oberon, the King of the fairies, want to serve him. Throughout the play they argue about the little Indian boy, but then Oberon realizes being served by the little Indian boy is less important than love . Today in

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