
What Are We Falling Down Essay

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Falling Down (1993) The Plot
He’s Divorced engineer in the defence industry who 's reached his anger point
Unemployed defence worker
Frustration and loss of identity
He’s identified by the name of his vanity License plate
D-FENS his truly identity is unknown through out the whole movie
He aggressively threats others blames society for all his problems

Similarities between D-fens &
Loss of family
Loss of job
Loss of identity
White people have a colour but it is a colour, that also signifies the absence of the colour itself a characteristics of life and presence (Richard Dyer 1997)
Trying to rediscover manhood

Representation of White Male and Loss of
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(Clover 1993:8)
‘Things that can affect and offend anyone,’ such as the traffic jam, annoying bumper stickers and general rudeness of all towards all. (Clover
‘Guy who theoretically owns the world, but in practice, In this account, not only has no turf but has been closed out of the turf of others’ (Clover
‘This is not a bad guy.’ ‘But he’s had it.’ Joel Schumacher describing DFens

Neo-Nazi clip
The purposes of this scene the director tries to differentiate D-fens from the white supremacist. Joel Schumacher shows audiences that D-Fens may be white but he’s not a racist, homophobe and fascist.
In this scene whiteness is also taken into an extreme through

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