There were lots of people living the life they could only dream of. After the crash it influenced the economy to be at a very low state which would later show to be a large contributor to the Great Depression which ended ten years after the stock market crash in 1939.
By 1997, sixty-eight years after the stock market crash of 1929, the U.S had a mini crash in their market. Leading up to that mini crash was 1982 in which the stock had yet another crash. Now that the investors had just had a crash fifteen years earlier in 1997, you could say that some were prepared and knew what to look forward to try and save themselves and their investments. Despite others losing their funds similarly to 1929 crash in 1982, the crash of 1997 was somewhat easy to overcome since it was not as significant to the loss of 1929 and 1982.
The 1990’s were an economic boom for the United States of America. Prosperity was flowing over the States, which was a sure sign of a crash which would have been the mini crash of 1997. Similar to the 1929 crash, America, in the early 1920’s, had a great economy and everyone was living their best, life having the ease of the stock market to easily gain money. Even though it was not the same amount of money being lost from the crashes, there were similarities like what the country's economy was like prior to the