
What Does A Poison Tree Mean

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What Does A Poison Tree Mean
In the poem A Poison Tree by poet William Blake uses imagery to create meaning. William Blake uses imagery off God through the bible. It was very biblical because he wrote aboutA Poison Tree started off as this guy having an argument with a friend but the forgiving them for what they did. However later on in the poem the narrative says that's emery stole an apple that was his. The emery knew it was his but took it anyway. After eating the apple the enemy died. Since he ate the apple and he knew he wasn't suppose to to it was karma. Karma come in many different ways. People should follow the golden rule, treat people how you would like to be treated. Blake showed us how angry can turn into something different. The speakers angry turns into a apples which evidently kills his enemyThe speaker wrath grew because he …show more content…
Both of them can now see that they are both naked. They did not know they were naked before until they ate the apple that the spent told them to eat. Adam and Eve hide from God when he came to see them in the garden because they realized they are naked. God wanted to know how they knew they were naked. Adam blames Eve for eating the apple. Eve tells God that the serpent deceived her. God has now made sure that karma comes to ever women to have severe pain while giving birth and her husband will now have rule over her. Adams punishment is that he has to work long and hard for everything. Adam and Eve are both punish servilely for eating the forbidden fruit. They are banished from the garden of eden because of it and that’s why “everyone” is born with the original sin. The original sin was created because of Adam and

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