
Similarities Between Genesis And Written On Our Hearts By Mary Reed Newland

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Similarities Between Genesis And Written On Our Hearts By Mary Reed Newland
With the power of God, anything is possible and his power can be seen everywhere. The power of God is evident in Genesis and Written on Our Hearts by Mary Reed Newland. God shows abilities with the Story of Creation, Noah and the Flood, and having infertile women become pregnant. God can perform miracles if he chooses but also create a massive devastation in the world.
God proved his capabilities when he first created Adam. God gave Adam and Eve one rule which was to not eat fruit from the tree of knowledge. The devil disguised as a serpent came to Adam and Eve and encouraged them to eat from the tree and so they did. God found out about the disobedience and punished them both. “I will intensify your toil in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Yet your urge shall be for your husband,” (Gen. 3:16). God used his marvelous powers to create intense pain during childbirth which before Eve would have experienced a painless birth. No other creation has the ability to create pain without personally initiating it and because of this punishment, it created Original Sin. By making mankind, it proved God can do
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After a while of having man and women on earth, he saw that mankind had become wicked and cruel. He saw that human’s thoughts were evil and regretted making human beings. “The end of all mortals has come, for the earth is full of lawlessness because of them. So I am going to destroy them with the earth,” (Gen. 6:13). God enabled his divine might and destroys the whole world excluding Noah and two pairs of each animal worthy of saving, because in his eyes, the world was corrupt and it was at a point where nothing could be done but to start over. By destroying all he has made, this shows how God has the potency to create disastrous weather when he chooses which can mean that whenever this is a major disaster in the world, its for a

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