
What Does Adam And Eve Mean In The Bible

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What Does Adam And Eve Mean In The Bible
Emilia Papok
November 7, 2017
Ms. Cooney
Adam and Eve, Bible essay.
Because it explains many aspects of the human nature, the story of Adam and Eve is a myth. Why there is a struggle to acquire food is explained in this story. The story explains why there is a struggle to acquire food. It also shows why women must face such gruesome hardships, such as childbirth but still are subservient to men. The reason humanity faces death instead of eternal paradise is also with extreme detail revealed in the Bible. The difficulties humanity face are the consequential results of Adam and Eve’s faulty actions in the Garden of Eden. For thousands of years, the world has wondered why they must work until their backs break to give for themselves and their families. Finally, humanity has been given an affirmative answer in the story of Adam and Eve. God punished Adam and Eve by covering many plants with, “thorns also and thistles”(Genesis 3:18). The thorns made food challenging to harvest but shows why thorns present. In the ancient story, God says that only one may gather food as a result of “ the sweat in thy face”(Genesis 3:19). The quote proves that food is no longer plentiful like in the garden of Eden, now humanity must diligently work to produce food.
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Because of Eve's sins, God punishes all womankind. God decided that “in sorrow, thou shalt bring forth children”(Genesis 3:16). He made sure that bring a child into the world become a difficult task for the women. Another punishment God bestowed upon Eve is her subservience to man. After Eve sinned God also took away Eves equality. God decided that as punishment he would give Adam dominion over Eve so that “he shall rule over thee”(Genesis 3:16). God also took away Eves equality and made all women less equal than men.The punishment directed towards Eve has affected all

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