Softball is a team sport that closely resembles baseball. A softball game is played between two teams. Each team can have multiple players on their roster; however, only nine players can be on the field at a time. The object of the game is to score the most runs. A run is scored when a player on the offensive (batting) team advances around all four bases, touching each in turn, without being "put out" by a player on the defensive (fielding) team. The game is played on a field that consists of a dirt infield and a grass outfield. The infield is square and is sometimes referred to as the diamond. There are four bases on the field; the starting and ending base is called “home plate.” The other three bases, going counter-clockwise, are first, second, and third base. A game is usually made up of seven innings, although, fewer or more innings may be played depending on the score. The game of softball is an easy one to gain knowledge of, all the player has to do is learn the rules, the mental game, and the positions.…
My accomplishments in softball were second team third baseman for my freshman and sophomore year and my junior year I got the first team utility player. I have got voted team captain in softball. In softball we had two coach changes, out first coach was Mr. Chavez and the coach currently is Mr. Torgeson. These two men have different coaching methods and it was very hard to adjust. Chavez was all about the hitting and Torg was all about bunting. There overall look at how the game is played are completely different from each other. Therefore when he had a coaching change it was a big shock for me. As a freshman, I played on the varsity team and I really loved getting to have that experience. I loved playing softball and I have played since I was about 5. In Softball I seem to always hurt myself, I have hip problems and I just recently had surgery on my wrist because of softball. Therefore I learned that you need to take care of yourself and work out to keep everything attached. You also need to practice hard to succeed because in my opinion, I think hitting a softball is super hard and you need lots of practice succeed. Softball is a great example of you will fail first before you succeed because in softball there is three strikes and you might not hit the first pitch but you can hit the next one. Therefore batting in softball you might fail first before he succeed. “Never let the fear of striking out get in your…
Leadership is a prized commodity, however, it is not one that has always come naturally to me. I was a rather quiet kid growing up, and so I rarely let my voice be heard while I was at school. Despite my timid nature, I was able to develop enough self-confidence to open up to others and share my feelings through baseball. Baseball is truly a team sport, requiring constant communication and trust between teammates. As such, the close companionship I held with my team mates created the ideal environment for me to develop my leadership skills. Base running was always my strongest skill, so I constantly found myself teaching my teammates how to gain the advantage. I became the unofficial base running coach year after year, even as the teams changed…
Baseball is a very competitive sport as is mainly enjoyed by men; however we also have a sport called softball which is played mainly by females. The sport of baseball and softball are almost identical in a lot of ways. This essay will compare and contrast baseball vs. softball by discussing the similarities and the differences of the two. If you are not a baseball or softball fan, then this essay will give you a better understanding of both sports which are very exciting to watch.…
The love of the game, loud cheering of the crowds, school colors spread throughout the bleachers, and the smell of fresh boiled peanuts; all of these things are the essentials of what makes the perfect baseball or softball game. Although the two are similar in many ways, they have some notable differences. These sports may not be for everyone, because you have to have a lot of strength, courage, and the ability to keep going. Also they both take a lot of time and dedication.…
There are very few people who are lucky enough to be a captain of a team. I am one of those lucky few people. On April 12, I had an audition to try out for a Color Guard Captain position. I had been waiting for that day since early February. On April 15th, the captains were announced. I heard my name, looked at Makayla Hurt, she heard her name, and we could not believe it. Over the weekend, I thought what can I do to help improve the team. Well I can improve skill, change attitude for the better, and how will the decision I made along with our coach of me being a captain affect the team.…
They start out as young as four years old playing T-ball, and progress through the high school ages where they can play on travel teams. Both girls and boys are allowed to play, but that hasn’t always been the case. Until the 1970’s girls weren’t allowed to play in little league, but after bowing to lawsuits and bad publicity, little league organizations ended their prohibition against allowing girls to play (L. Van Auken and R. Van Auken, 2001). Little league baseball has always been and continues to be an amateur sport. The fan base is mainly mothers and fathers who show their support by cheering their children on. There are many people who experience the games, but are not parents. These are people that enjoy watching for the best reason of all, the fun of it.…
I choose to play softball because i want to be athletic and i enjoy playing softball because it is fun and i can see most of my friends that i don't go to school with. I choose to play to represent my team and my family. “Softball is my sport and i love to play softball with my friends and family. The negative effects of playing softball are that people can cheat and the Boys that walk around can tell you “let’s go smoke” and encourage to do drugs and miss practice. They might say, let go walking or go cruising. Then you can't go to allstars if you miss practice or games.…
It’s great to try something new, because you meet new people, and discover something you didn’t know about. I’ve experienced a new sport, were I discovered I was good at it and I love it, and that was softball. I’m athletic; I’ve played basketball, tennis, volleyball, and soccer. The reason why I wanted to try softball was because I’ve always had an interest in it, but I never had the chance to sign up. I also thought it would benefit my health also. Softball requires lots of running so it was going to be great exercise for me. I knew it was going to take lots of practice for me to become a good softball player.…
In freshmen in high school, my coach told me that I was taking charge of the team, since the captain was absent. At first, I was excited that I was able to demonstrate my leadership qualities, but then pressure was piled onto me as I try to figure out how I should behave. However, I took a minute think back to what my captain typically did for warm-ups. What I found was my teammates taking me seriously and respected how I started practice.…
Everyone has a favorite hobby; one that makes their bad days better, and they’re best days great. Softball gives me these days, and it’s what I do best and my ability as a softball player comes from dedication and mental toughness.…
In a small, rural town called Arlington in Vermont, playing sports was a normal thing to do. It was nothing special it was just a way to waste time. There were only three sports you could play, soccer, basketball, and baseball. No football, hockey, etc. For me though, I loved the smell of the fresh grass when I was on the soccer field and the basketball courts. I loved when my parents watched me from the sideline and I could hear them cheering me on. It was just the best feeling to have. As I grew up in Vermont I never really knew how a big town or city felt like being in. I was in a school with only 400 kids in the whole high school! There was no loud traffic or packed mall, it was just farms and the pond. You had to make your own fun out of things. That’s why I loved to play sports.…
Back when I was 5 years old, my dad introduced me to baseball… and then it happened! I fell in love with baseball and everything in between. Every other sport couldn’t compare. The joy it gave me was indescribable. When I say baseball has been my life and will always be in my life I mean it! My spring and summers since I was five have always been baseball, and there’s nothing I would change!…
The baseball field brings back the best memories. Baseball is in my genes. When I would run onto the baseball field it’s like I just got hit with adrenaline. I played soccer and basketball also, but as I got older I felt that if I focused on one sport I could make myself great. I’ve been playing ever since I was…
Softball runs in my blood, my dad played softball, my uncle played softball, my cousins’ play softball; it seemed as though almost every I knew played softball. I knew how to swing a bat before I knew how to walk. My dad and I would go to the batting cages just about every Sunday. I had previous played for the local team in my area but I wanted to be able to share the sport my family and I loved with the school I love. And although the friendships on the travel team were amazing, I could only imagine how great it would be to share this great sport with the people at my school. I thought all I would have to do is talk to the athletic director to get a team started, little did I know all the work and dedication that was going to be have to put…