interpret? Also why does Poe use midnight and December for the time the story takes place? I figure midnight and December both represent an end to something, and also the anticipation of something new. A new year comes after midnight, also a new day; and December represents the end of a year. Finally when I picture the room the narrator is positioned in, I picture him lonely and sorrowful, and the richly furnished room reminds him of his lost love, Lenore. And the tempest (storm) outside shows more of his isolation, and is a contrast between the calmness of the chamber and the tempestuous night.
I believe Poe put no moral in " The Raven", but his stories were more like puzzles that he wanted people to poke and pry at , and in the end to accomplish nothing. He has accomplished his goals by making many Poe readers go a little insane by trying to figure out the logic of his insane stories.