¨There's an hour to come, when all of us shall cast aside our veils...No mortal eye will see it withdrawn¨ (Pg 272). Hawthorne is using the veil as a metaphor to say we all have hidden sins behind a veil of our own until death we part. Mr.Hooper said to his plighted wife, ¨Do not desert me, though this veil must be between us here on Earth. Be mine, and hereafter there shall be no veil over my face, no darkness between our souls¨ (Pg 272). Hooper is expressing to …show more content…
His action of putting on the veil on is to symbolize everyone has hidden secrets that they'll never share. “Exerting a sudden energy…, Father Hooper snatched both his hands...and pressed them strongly on the Black Veil... Never on Earth, never!” He is seriously detected to keep the veil on his earthly body for physical eternity.
A member of his congregation said the first time they saw him, “He has changed himself into something awful, only by hiding his face...Our parson had gone mad!” (Pg) The other character in the parable were applauded by his wearing of the veil because they didn't understand his meaning for it. “Before the veil eternity be lifted, let me cast aside this Black Veil from your face!” cried Reverend Clark. Rev Clark, in the story is being selfish because he wants Mr. Hooper to take off the veil for them and not respecting what Mr.Hooper wants.
Mr. Hooper is a living metaphor in The Minister's Black Veil symbolizing that even though they do not want to admit it they all have hidden sins behind their own imaginary Black