
What Does Zechariah 14 Mean To Be A Messiah

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What Does Zechariah 14 Mean To Be A Messiah
Messiah Messiah or “anointed one”, the one promised by God to be the Deliverer of Israel. “Those who fight against the Lord will be shattered. He thunders against them from heaven (1 Samuel 2:10). Prophets foretold of the Chosen One, whom God would send to save Israel. As Christians, we believe this to be Jesus Christ, the Son of Man. The baby born of a virgin in Bethlehem and was crucified for our sins. While Messiah means the same to both Christian and Jew, that didn’t mean the one who was sent was one in the same.
Old Testament The Jewish laws can be found in the Old Testament (OT). These laws still stand for practicing Jews, they are also many of the laws that Christians still hold today. The Ten Commandments are a perfect example
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In chapter 9, he refers to a King of Peace. “The prophet tells the people of Israel to be joyful, to get excited, because the promised one, the one sent from God, the long awaited king, is coming” (Perlman, 2004, p.2). However, traditional Judaism taught of a messiah who feared the Lord, who was both a scholar and a leader. A devoted Jew. A direct descendant of King David. Then, Zechariah 14 refers to a King of War. “I will gather all the nations to fight against Jerusalem. The city will be taken, the houses looted, and the women raped. Half the population will be taken into captivity, and the rest will be left among the ruins of the city” (Zechariah 14:2). And then in verse 4, it describes how the Mount of Olives will split in half from the east to the west and one half of the mountain will move north, while the other moves to the …show more content…
The two kings are one in the same. The first sent to show us the way to the Father through peace. The latter, one who will divide the people. Those who will live with Him in Heaven for eternity and those who will live on earth in hell.
What the Gospel Contains
Zechariah has many revelations of both the first and second comings of the King. In a 2004 printing of ISSUES: A Messianic Jewish Perspective, we can look at several passages from his book that coincide with Gospel readings that point to Jesus as the Messiah.
Prophecy: The Messiah would be seen as King: Zechariah 9:9; New Testament (NT) scripture – Matthew 21:6-9
Prophecy: The Messiah would be despised: Zechariah 11:8b; NT scripture – Matthew 26:3-4 & Matthew 27:20
Prophecy: The Messiah would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver: Zechariah 11: 12-13; Matthew 26:14-15
Prophecy: The Messiah’s body would be pierced: Zechariah 12:10a; John

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