Jason Baugh
School Number: 003311
Candidate Number: 003311-005
Supervisor: Mr. L. Holmes
Name of School: Hillel Academy
Session 2012
Subject Area: Geography
Research Question: What effect does tourism have on Jamaica in relation to Social Friction and degradation on Natural Resources, specifically in the towns of Montego Bay and Trelawney?
Topic Areas: Tourism, environmental degradation, social integration, cultural diffusion, development, globalization.
Table of Contents
Abstract 3
Introduction 5
Jamaica’s Hotel Industry 6 Problem with Investors 8
Cruise Tourism 11 Jamaica’s Investment in Cruise Tourism 13 Trelawney as a Capitol City 15
Integrating tourists and social friction 17
Conclusion 19
Abstract Jamaica is a much sought after tourist destination and has a booming tourist industry that is second to almost none. With our large musical influence around the world as well as being known as a home for Rastafarians outside of Ethiopia there are more than enough reasons to visit Jamaica. With a rocky economy, tourism is a necessity for Jamaica to develop and grow and earn more money. Development of hotels and facilities for increased visits from other countries, Jamaica relies more than ever on its natural resources that it is known for. Jamaica is accessible by air and water and caters to the contributors of over 50% of our GDP. But with the amount of people visiting, our country is susceptible to a number of problems resulting in an over To truly understand whether or not our islands natural resources are being degraded and if the nationals are being exploited or becoming violent and unlawful or experiencing trouble from the investments and developments in relation to tourism, we need to look at what is being done for the development of that sector and the level of tourism Jamaica receives. There are damages occurring to the environment as a result
Bibliography: * http://statinja.gov.jm/ * http://www.visitjamaica.com/ * http://www.worldclimatereport.com/index.php/2010/09/13/coral-bleaching/ * http://www.vision2030.gov.jm/Portals/0/Speeches/Microsoft%20Word%20-%20Overview%20of%20launch%20of%20Vision%202030%20Jamaica-%20National%20Development%20Plan,%20Popular%20Version.pdf * http://jamaica-gleaner.com/ * http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/ * http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20050629/lead/lead4.html * http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20110223/news/news91.html *