The animated film ‘Shrek’ is a modern portrayal of a traditional story. It displays most, if not all qualities of both legend and fairy-tale. As the opening scene begins with non-diegetic music (audible to audience only) and a magical light shining on a large book with the traditional starting of a fairy tale ‘Once Upon a time’. This opening scene demonstrates one feature of the fairy-tale genre. This can also be seen through the characters, in magic and a happy ending. There are many more fairy-tale features throughout the film, but the appearance of Robin Hood also highlights the legend aspect of the film. The film techniques create this genre though the illustrators use of light and shade, and excellent use of camera shots. The features of the genre are demonstrated clearly in the characterization used in the film.
During the beginning of the film, various well know and familiar fairy-tale characters are present.
The characters Tinker bell, The Three Little Pigs, the three bears and Snow White are among the many creatures that appear in the film. Lord Farquaad (the main antagonist) had ordered that all fairy-tale creatures be removed from his perfect village. His torture of the Gingerbread …show more content…
In ‘’regular’’ fairy tales the story would end like this: The prince slayed the giant fire breathing dragon and bla, bla, bla, when the kiss of true love touched the princess’s lips bla, bla, bla, then they lived happily ever after. Shrek changes the normal conventions of a fairy-tale… ‘‘Wait, what are the normal conventions of a fairy-tale?’’ Well… there are many, and they are all different, but here are some I can name of at the moment: princes and princesses, dragons and heroes, kings and queens, knights and castles, kingdoms and