Evie explains in the book that she really wants to be like her mother ,Beverly but something changes that she doesn't anymore.
Evie’s mother is very deceitful to Evie. In the book, Evie thought in her head ¨ Peter wasn't who I thought he was. Could it be that Mom wasn't, either? If everyone was wondering what had gone on between Peter and my mother, wouldn't I be crazy not to wonder, too? ¨ ( Page 204 ) Evies mother was secretly having an affair with Peter ! Peter and Evies mother hung out at the beach,went on dates,kissed,and Evie knew absolutely nothing about it.Evie thought this was a major betrayal to her and her family moving forward in life. After she found out that her mother was having an affair, she realized she doesn't want to be like her mother anymore once and
Evies Father Joe just returned from World War II, and Evie was so excited to see him. She thought he was tremendously brave, and thought she wanted to be like him. A horrible secret unleashes to Evie that makes her sick to her stomach. Evies father also betrays her as much as her mother. When Peter and Evie were having a serious conversation, Peter finally spilled the truth and explained important news. Peter explained "After a while I'm writing him, and he's not answering. So as soon as I get stateside, I look him up. He dodged my calls. He didn't have the cash to give me. And then he takes off for Florida…" Joe stole money in the war from the Jews. Joe promised to give some money to Peter but ran off with all of it to use it for a dreamhouse ! When Evie found this out she was heartbroken.She thought Joe was so selfish and greedy that she never wanted to be like him. First her mother hiding a huge secret and now her father, what next ?