they also sell the drugs back to the citizens of Afghanistan.
Belize is the third major drug trafficking country in the world; they produce and also move the narcotics to and from Belize. Their economy is heavily relied on drugs and trafficking . Countries that have their economies impacted by drug trafficking are Afghanistan, Belize, and Mexico. Afghanistan is one the biggest producers of drugs in the world. West Africa isn't a huge drug trafficking country yet but it is on its way, growing in the drugs produced. Some say that drug trafficking does not have a huge impact on economies because the money never reaches the economy in which the drugs were produced, they are being moved and then sold. Others say that drug trafficking has an impact on economies to a large extent, because drug traffickers use the money they make from trafficking drugs in their local area, therefore affecting the economy in which the traffickers are. The stakeholders in this topic would be the drug traffickers themselves and the people they supply, the users of the drugs. They would want drug trafficking to have a great impact on the economy because the government would most likely not be as harsh on them because it is helping the economy of the country.
Mexico is the third largest consumer of drugs in the world.
They do not transport drugs as much as afghanistan or belize but they are huge consumers of the drugs the other countries produce. Other stakeholders who would say that drug trafficking would have a low or close to no impact on the economy would be government officials, they wouldn't want the economy to have a large impact on the economy because then they would have to rely on drug trafficking which is illegal in most countries to help their government run smoothly. I need to do more research on the specific impact that drug trafficking could possibly have on the economy. I need to research more information on if the economy is directly impacted by drug trafficking or not. In my opinion, organizing my paper by country would be best. Organizing my paper by country and showing how each country's economy is specifically affected by drug trafficking would be the best way to answer my question efficiently. Drug trafficking has become sensationalized because of the rap sense. People becoming in love with the coco and they become addicted. Rappers also talk about how they have “come up” by making and selling cocaine and making it with the baking soda, other drugs in their society. Drugs Inc. is a documentary describing the drug trafficking scene in many different
“The International Narcotics Control Board is a permanent and independent body, consisting of 13 members, who are elected for a five-year term by the Economic and Social Council on the basis of their competence and serve in their personal capacity.”The International Narcotics Control Board is an example of an organization created to control the issue of Drugs.“The Commission on Narcotic Drugs, composed of 53 Member States elected by the Economic and Social Council for a four-year term, is the central policy-making body with regard to drug-related matters, including the monitoring of the global trends of illicit drug trafficking and abuse.”The Commission on Narcotic Drugs is another example of an organization created to control the issue of Drugs.“Drug trade is a crucial part of Afghanistan’s economy. Afghanistan accounts for more than 90 percent of the world’s opium supply, and opium poppies are now grown in most provinces”The production of most of the world’s Opium is from Afghanistan.“For many of those people, opium poppy crops and other aspects of drug commerce are the difference between modest prosperity (by Afghan standards) and destitution. They do not look kindly on efforts to destroy their livelihood”The Afghan people do not want to stop drug trafficking because it is how they maintain their life it is their source of income.“According to the United Nations, some five hundred nine thousand Afghan families are involved in opium poppy cultivation”Most families cultivate opium poppy as their source of income.“The U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime reported that in 2014 Afghan poppy farmers took in about $850 million — more than twice as much as five years before.”Profits from opium and heroin in Afghanistan are dramatically increasing.
“The United Nations estimates that there are as many as 1.6 million drug users in Afghan cities and as many as 3 million more are believed to be in the countryside.”The drugs are not only being exported to other countries but they are being sold in Afghanistan to its own citizens.“The principal causes of this epidemic, officials say, are rampant unemployment, the return of addicted workers from wartime exile in Iran or Pakistan, and bumper harvests of opium poppies.” Reasons for such high drug use and production.