The design named Kangjia (picture:1) is of a porcelain doll and is very famous. The character of this design is naughty, naive and loveable. This is in accordance with our folk law and it has strong national meaning, such as the ceramics and character of Yaosheng Fu’s work.
Many works are drawn from folk storys (picture:2) describes the emotion between man and woman and their dynamic, expression. The description of the painting is very true of life and it really conveys their tender and romantic feelings, like Xixiangji (picture:3) The protagonists’ love can’t be shown to the women and just shows a bashful exuding tenderness and love through their eyes to be able to let them daydream. No matter what manifestation mode, the composition of these pictures displays a type of nationally recognised ceramic form of expression.
As the design of pot,bowl,cup in Jingdezhen Gongfu tea. have many relation with ancient Chinese tea ceremony,every city have different drinking habits,it is inseparable,in the designing,designer need to know the drinking crowd,drinking way,to capacity,moulding,pictures and
Bibliography: Yongshan Yang2004.7 Donald Arthur Norman 2003 Aihong Wang,Jianhua Sun2007.12 Wei Han < About Memphis Deaign>2001 Xiaoyou He, Yunfeng Xie2001 ItalyToilet Facilities Guangyun Liu zhijiang gao xinhong huang2004.2 yu lu