In most cases, when people walk down the street to get to work they will pass by a poor beggar in tattered clothing, munching on a moldy piece of cheese he scrounged from a nearby dumpster along the way. Many times the person will feel an aversion to the beggar and casually walk by as if he/she did not notice the homeless pleading for help. It is a rare occurrence to see an individual make an attempt to help out a homeless man or woman by giving them food or money to support them. The government on the other hand, never tries to make the circumstance that homeless people are in any better, instead they blame the beggars and provides many irrelevant reasons to why they are poor, homeless and hungry. It is quite strange as to why the government spends money and time pretending to address the issues, yet they end up creating more of what they are trying to reduce, which is homeless people living in the country. This shows how the acts of indifference permeate our everyday lives. The indifference of people leads to more pain and suffering to those who are in need. Those who are involved in the act of indifference are guilty and considered inhuman. They would prefer to watch an individual in agony rather than assist them and try and put them into a better situation. Therefore, the people who refuse to fix the cause and take actions for …show more content…
Bullying is mainly found in areas such as schools. For some apparent reason, many students are afraid that they might become the victim if they do anything. As a result, they don’t help out their friends who are being bullied.When a bystander fails to act, it not only affects the person being bullied, but it also affects the bystander. By not protecting the person being bullied, the victims will end up having negative side-effects. These side-effects a would be the addiction to tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs. Eventually, this leads to depression and then suicide. This is all caused by the bystander not trying to take action and fight for for what was write in that point of time. If the person decided to defend the victim, then there would be a very low chance of this unexpected event to