It's quite challenging to relate an allegory to our lives. But if we think carefully and list those objects and their corresponded symbols: prisoners represent imperfect human, the shadow represents illusion of the truth, prison represents limitations that hold us back from getting close to the truth…etc, I start to understand that I myself could be the prisoner who lives comfortably in his narrow worldview and have difficulties taking in new concepts. Therefore, I am here, at college, trying to break the chain and see the broader world.
I was born and raised in Yiwu, China. I finished 10th grade in China and made a life-changing decision- go to America for higher education.
While my parents were supportive and encouraging, I was nervous and terrifying. I couldn’t help thinking that I was just about to leave this familiar place where all my family and friends are at. As expected, I had a hard time adapting to the new environment and it took me 3 months to get used to the schooling and living in America.
It is during this time I learned and understood how concepts vary from country to country and that what you once thought to be true are viewed differently in other's perspective. I saw articles about China, I watched news talking about China. Those reports may not be necessarily true, there are biases in them, but at least they provide an alternative way of valuing a same event.
That's like the moment when the chain breaks and the prisoner gets the chance to see the outside world. I was also fascinated by the complexity of the world.
Therefore, isn't college just like the light in the allegory? If I choose to live the way I am most comfortable with, partying and gaming all day, I would become the prisoners who are forever chained to their narrow understanding of the world. College presents an opportunity for us "prisoners" to approach to the knowledge (light), it gives us a chance to change our ignorance and to be more knowing.
In conclusion, what exactly brought me here? I think it is my determination to become a more knowledgeable person and the curiosity to learn what's beyond me gives me courage to be here.