The key points this week are based on developing self-determination skills. One key point in the textbook reading from Behavior Management: Principles and Practices of Positive Behavior Supports is reinforcement. Is that self-determination is viewed as having a greater influence on life for the future and present of students. Self determined children are more likely to succeed in their adulthood with a better quality of life. Another key point from the textbook discusses individuals living their life consistent with their own values, preferences, strengths, and needs. The textbook states that an understanding of one’s strengths and limitations together with a belief in oneself as capable and effective are essential to self-determination. Third is that if a child is self determined they will be able to make the right choice, be able to manage themselves, be able to make decisions, believe in their capabilities, and be independent (Wheeler and Rickey, 2009). The fourth key point is that when making the right decisions, self-determination plays a big role. Self-determination focuses on students making their own decisions and wanting to learn own to be independent to do things for themselves. Lastly, to effectively help children become self determined they should be taught choice, self advocacy and decision making skills (Wheeler and Rickey, 2009). Students should be provided with chances to make decisions and have choices (Wheeler and Rickey, 2009). Based on these key points and legal history, my viewpoints have changed. I have learned it is important to use involve children in their IEP process to help them become aware of their disability. Children understanding their disability will make them become more likely to be a self determined individual because they will know what they need to do to help themselves be successful.…